Note: RAD Studio might look frozen at some points until it launches your application on the iOS simulator, but it is just preparing to run your application. The Platform Assistant running on the Mac launches your application on the iOS Simulator. RAD Studio builds your application for the iOS Simulator, connects to your Mac using the connection profile you assigned to the iOS Simulator platform. Run your application, either with debugging ( Run > Run) or without debugging ( Run > Run Without Debugging).The active simulator is displayed using a bold font. Expand the iOS Simulator node in the Project Manager, expand the Target node, and double-click a simulator node (iPad, iPhone or iPhone 5) to activate that simulator.The active target platform is displayed using a bold font. On the Project Manager, expand the Target Platforms node and double-click the iOS Simulator target platform to activate that platform.After you have successfully configured your development environment for iOS application development, you can run your Delphi iOS application on the iOS simulator as follows: